Agnes woke early. Earl was out of bed, starting the day. She couldn’t be bothered to know where he was. He could be tinkering with a car that no longer needed tinkering or shoveling one pile of dirt from one […]
Agnes woke early. Earl was out of bed, starting the day. She couldn’t be bothered to know where he was. He could be tinkering with a car that no longer needed tinkering or shoveling one pile of dirt from one […]
When it comes to birds of Newfoundland, we all know about the Puffin. We also point out a Robin Red Breast on the lawn after the winter. We have all …
Newfoundland is known for letting strangers through their doors—especially during the holidays. At Christmas it’s typical to have strangers show up on your front step looking for a party, garbed …
Many moons ago, when men explored the world by ocean, stories came from many about monsters of the sea. Giant tentacles, googly eyes, species of unfathomable size sinking ships and …
My father was long out of the house. He had set his alarm for 5 a.m. and rose in the darkness with the slightest movements to ensure no one woke. …
Mike Feehan has made a career as a comic book artist. The St. John’s native took his graphic design background and turned it into a full-time comic book artist. It’s not …
Jud Haynes moved to St. John’s when he was fifteen years old. Growing up as a self proclaimed army brat, Jud had moved from place to place every three years, …
For a musician it can be a feat to bring an imagined sound to reality - Nate Wells of Neon Effects does just that. Through the creation of hand crafted …
Leo Harding and I had met in the grainy depths of a neighbourhood party on a hot summer evening. The garden was filled with empty beer cans and cigarette butts. …
We all have ideas. We have intentions of what we want to do and where we want to go. They form in our minds - we know what would bring …
It’s weird to imagine the normal way of life we knew before being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, but one big, funky band in St. John’s is determined to continue …
Hasan Hai found himself in Newfoundland nearly fourteen years ago. Brought to the island from Ottawa to start a family with a girl from Marystown, and they eventually had three …
From a cat that looks like Melania Trump to a day-long hunt for a Squishmallow Yoda - Lord Cord is bringing it hard on TikTok. An esthetician at the Studio Beauty …
When artist and writer Katherine Alexandra Harvey wakes up in the morning, she heads outside to connect with nature and set herself up for the rest of the day. “I spend …
As the world watches Newfoundland being hit with the almighty #stormaggedon - there has been a wonderful and curious reaction coming from the folks who are living in this state …
When wallpaper designer Kate Golding came to Newfoundland looking for artistic inspiration and research for a series dedicated to the island, she ended up gaining a whole unexpected experience on …
The dynamic media duo Becki and Chris are well known in the YouTube stratosphere. Presenting detailed, entertaining and genuine videos of camera and photography tutorials, as well as home design …
Eva Crocker has accomplished a lot for her age—more than some could hope for in a lifetime. Two published novels, a book of short stories, a PhD candidate and the …
In 1929 a tsunami hit the Burin Peninsula causing serious damage and grief. 28 people lost their lives and many were left homeless and communities were destroyed. Waves up rushing …
They say some people find what they were born to do, and Myles Burry can attest to that. The Wesleyville native is an artist and designer who visualizes Newfoundland traditional …
One evening at a party, in a circle of cigarette smoke, a crowd decided to name which musician they would lipsync if given a professional platform. I jokingly said I …
When docking the ferry in Port aux Basques, it would be a shame to head straight to the boat. This small town surrounded by the ocean and mountains not only …
Nurse Myra Bennett came from London to Newfoundland in 1922 on a two-year contract making $900 per year. She would come to be known as ‘the nurse’ all along the …