Debbie Hanlon and the advertisement fail
Councillor Hanlon put out some questionable ads for her Real Estate business recently.
Though the politician has come under scrutiny for the offensive nature of the strange ads, she is also facing serious online bullying and harassment in response to her marketing choices.
Of course, as a public figure Hanlon should have been more conscious of her decisions but no one deserves to be bullied and named called in such a hateful manner. No behaviour ever deserves such a negative outlash.
However, let’s consider the real story on hand: Hanlon thought her realty signs were a great marketing advert. Have you seen them?
Aside from the extremely offensive messaging, it’s just an awful advertisement. At some point, Hanlon looked at those designs, approved them and then paid for them.
First of all, they barely make sense. Second of all, it rarely gives insight to her professional abilities or business. Third, they aren’t funny but I think they are supposed to be? I don’t get it.
When you have to take a beat and ask yourself what service is being offered after reading a billboard – is it really doing its job?
Besides the poor taste, the graphics are mediocre, the message is confusing and most importantly, Hanlon seriously wasted so much money on this investment.
How on Earth did these posters get past the first approval process? How did the printers not review these and go back to the client with a “are you sure?” email?
I am no marketing expert, but the image above has incorrect spelling and makes absolutely no sense. So I have to ask: who approved this?
For more terrible puns that will leave you confused, check out Hanlon’s Twitter media: @DebbieHanlon1
(Images from Hanlon’s Twitter and NTV News)
David Snow gets a crappy seven year sentence
Snow pleaded guilty to 14 charges of sexual misconduct, including voyeurism, creating child pornography and possession of child pornography. The judged handed him a sentence of seven years, with consideration of the current time Snow served. This means, he could see freedom in about 4 and a half years.
That’s a small stint for the many lives he ruined. He infringed on the most innocent and personal space of children with strong evidence against him and his total is seven years? That’s it.
The system has to change to support victims rather than abusers. For all the terrible grief and pain Snow caused and with planned and deliberate intent to abuse, is seven years really enough punishment for such heinous crimes?
How come the public is not up in arms about this? How do the families’ of the victims feel? How would you feel if this was your child?
What’s the plan when Snow is released? He is a registered sex offender for life and cannot be in proximity of certain areas but is that enough? How does that affect him? Can it be monitored? Can that actually stop him- because he jumped many hoops to plan out his current charges and offenses that when beyond
We have to ask: can this process be changed and how do we change it ?
Winters coming….in June…in Newfoundland.
Of course, we have seen snow randomly sprinkled in the summery months, but a full on snowstorm in May?
It’s been a wild month for weather but you know what they say? If the weather was great in Newfoundland then everyone would live here.
You know what? I am just going to blame Ryan Snodden’s tragic departure for the unfortunate circumstances in the forecast.
Another piece of highly sensitive news coverage is the loss of Snodden from our everyday lives. The change in routine has been hard to swallow and the province took a heavy hit with his final days as Newfoundland and Labrador’s CBC weather man. There were some great auditions for his replacement, but no one could ever replace Snodden. #RIP
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