Set in 1920, The Body on the Beach is inspired by true events that took place in the wonderful setting of Habour Grace. Police veteran Frank Fallon is demoted and returns to his hometown – a place he has avoided because of a long-lost love. Fallon had found a great opportunity with the Constabulary in St. John’s, but his battle with alcohol forged a new path for him in which he has to return to face his past. His time back home is heightened with mystery and intrigue when a body is found on Martin’s Beach.
Written by Patrick J. Collins, this novel deals with long-lasting rejection and heartache and the idea that the past is never truly forgotten. While old demons rise, new ones come into play like addiction and job demotion. It’s up to us to make amends, find closure and deal with the torments at hand while taking time to heal. In the midst of Fallon’s downfall, plays out a mysterious and thrilling crime. This is Collins’ eleventh piece of work and it is based on the true story of Alice Willimas who died mysteriously and remains a cold case to this day.
Thanks for the great review Gina. So gratifying to read your piece about my novel. Much appreciate your reading and review!
Patrick Collinsc